This is where the built-in-gate comes in handy. More often than not, you will have to deal with bleed from other shell or cymbal sustains that will wash out the transient. The basics of Trigger are to adjust the threshold until the transient of only the specified drum comes through (i.e. Here are some insights to the plug-in as well as tips on replacing drums for the most accurate sound. Trigger 2 has many adjustable parameters to accurately and realistically replace drums with samples. Drum replacement has become common practice for both professionals and amateurs alike. Trigger 2 is the most common drum replacement tool on the market and is used by industry professionals to enhance their drum sound and to fill in space where their recordings fall short.

It works by analyzing audio as it enters the plug-in, and triggers a sample when a peak or transient passes the set threshold. Trigger 2 by Slate Digital is one of the many tools available today for drum replacement.